Huddersfield Narrow Slides

StalybridgeThe Huddersfield Narrow Canal at Stalybridge.

Stalybridge The Councillor Something memorial bridge, Staleybridge

StalybridgeShopping no problem

Pylon Lets put our pylon here

PylonIt really doesn't matter about the canal

Stalybridge The vegetation is taking over.
Scout tunnel

Scout tunnelThe Scout Tunnel between Stalybridge and Mossley. Carved out of solid rock.
Diggle Flight

Diggle Flight The final flight up to the summit of the huddersfield Narrow Canal on the Lancashire side. These bottom gate ground paddles are a feature of this canal (and very stiff to operate).
Diggle Flight

Diggle FlightThe final lock in Lancashire.
Diggle Flight

Diggle Flight Canalside art.
Diggle Flight

Diggle FlightOur boat, Jean driving, Sally up front, and the canalside art.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel BWB staff bringing the boat separators in preparation for towing our convoy through the tunnel.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge TunnelLaunching the boat separator
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel Tying the boats together.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge TunnelReady to go through the tunnel. Our boat secured to the one in front.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel The final convoy - with the towing/passenger tug at the front.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge TunnelThe towing tug.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel Final preparation for the tunnel - protecting the boats with rubber sheeting.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel The convoy is ready
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunneland so are the passengers in the passenger tug.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel And so into the tunnel. At 5,400 yds long, the longest canal tunnel in the UK by a substantial margin. Passage took 3 hours!
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge TunnelKevin from the BWB drives the boat tug immediatly behind the passenger tug. Both tugs are electric. The 4 boats doing the passage today are pulled along behind. Hence the protection and careful tying together.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel Look carefully and you can see the helmet lamps of the BWB minders on the towed boats.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge TunnelIn places the tug only just fits.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel There's a disused railway tunnel parallel to the canal tunnel with connections every few hundred yards. Another BWB staff member drives through the railway tunnel and checks the progress of the convoy at the connection points.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel


Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel The end is nigh
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge TunnelEmerging on the Yorkshire side.
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge Tunnel
Standedge Tunnel

Standedge TunnelView of the Yorshire side tunnel mouth and the convoy emerging.